Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this course for new or experienced homeschoolers?

Successful Homeschooling Made Easy is for the homeschooler who is just starting out in homeschooling.

It’s also for the one who is ready to start afresh and homeschool in a mother-sized and successful way.

So if you are new to homeschooling, or if you have been exhausted and stressed and need a good pick-me-up, then this course is for you.

2. How does the course work?

Each week you will receive an email with a link in it to the week’s lesson.  You can download the lesson to your computer and print it if you like.  I recommend this, as it allows you to refer back and forth and to add notes in the boxes and ‘notes’ sections in the lessons.  Each lesson has an assignment which you can complete in your own time and is for your own personal use only.

3. Does my membership include personal coaching?

Unfortunately, the answer is “not at the moment”. While I will always be available to handle support requests like helping with downloading a lesson, this course doesn’t include coaching yet.  There is a possibility that will offer an option of upgrading to ‘Gold Level’ which would include email coaching.  If this interests you, please drop me a note to register your interest:

4. Do I have to commit to the entire 26 weeks?

No, absolutely not. While I don’t think you’ll want to do so, you may cancel anytime you want. You may email me directly for a prompt and courteous cancellation. But, I don’t think you’ll want to cancel once you do start the course!

5. How quickly can I start applying what I am learning about homeschooling?

You will be able to start homeschooling after your very first lesson!  🙂

However, it will seem so easy that you might think that you are somehow cheating.  You won’t be cheating.

Each week you will get a lesson that builds on the week before. So that by the time you have been homeschooling for two months you will be in top gear, hopefully.  And by the end of the course you will be a confident and successful homeschooler.

6. Do I have to buy books or supplies to complete the course?

You don’t have to buy any books to complete the course.  In fact, you will have plenty of reading material in the course.  You’ll also get some book recommendations but you should be able to borrow these books from the library quite easily.  You will probably want to get a ring binder to keep your class notes and lessons.

7. On what day of the week will I receive my weekly emails?

There isn’t a set “day” of the week when lessons will arrive to your inbox. The automatic system is set up to send out your lesson approximately every 7 days (sometimes there is a 24-48 hour difference in delivery, but you’ll always receive a lesson each week).

8. We are on a very slow dial-up connection, will I be able to do the online course?

The online course is designed to be available to all peeps, even if you are on slow dial-up.  It’s actually a weekly download which comes to you as a PDF and is the same size as a large email – 300kb or less.

9. What style of homeschooling do you recommend on the course?

On this course I don’t recommend any one style of homeschooling.  So the course is suitable for both formal homeschoolers, and for more relaxed or informal homeschoolers.  What the course will do is help you work out what your own style is and then how you can apply this in your own home.

10. Is this a Christian course?

This course is written by a Christian, so it’s Christian-friendly.  But it’s not overtly Christian, so it’s suitable for those of other beliefs.  The faith part of your homeschool is easily included in the way I will teach you to homeschool.  This is because the focus is on making a homeschool which is particularly geared to your own family.

11. Is the course geared to a particular age group of children?

No, the course focuses on helping you, the parent, to be the best homeschooling parent you can, and to homeschool your children in the way that is most suitable for you and for them.  No particular age-group is singled out and no particular style of teaching or learning is singled out, either.
